Sunday 10 May 2009

3D Living Me2Everyone Shares Update

Due to the growth of me2everyone(m2e) and the possibility of owning part of this company through obtaining virtual shares. It's become apparent that there's been an individual(s) that's hi-jacking the m2e success. One of m2e members reported that they had purchased 600 virtual shares off ebay for under £6.00. When the m2e support team heard about this they advised the m2e member to contact the person who sold him the shares on ebay to get his money back. It must be stressed that m2e shares at present are worthless at present until m2e becomes a PLC(Public Limited Company). Once this has happened shares will be available to it's members. The only way shares can be bought or sold is through the secure m2e company. Anyone wishing to transfer their shares to another person will have to do this in writing. The relevent share transfer forms will need to be completed together with the person(s) share certificate-David Lewis Finance Director(m2e).

Now I don't want to appear like the harbinger of bad news but for some reason m2e has been getting some bad press. The reason for this I guess is that whenever one good word goes out about m2e there's usually nine negative words about the m2e opportunity. It's still amazes me that with over 430,000+ members within me2everyone and over 500 Global Executives it's strange to find people having reservations about this opportunity. The growth of online virtual reality is eminent whether people decide to join or just sit on the fence and watch what happens. M2E have had a few setbacks in the manner of launching its 3d living virtual world however, the directors of m2e have been communicative with all it's members as to the state of progress. Also the launch of the 3d virtual world has been postponed until after the British simmer. With that said since 5th May 2009 another 154 new Global Executives have joined me2everyone.